Visit of company SCLE-SFE Toulouse

As part of companies’ visits, 3rd and 4th year students from INSA Toulouse have visited SCLE SFE, partner of the INSA Foundation, with the GEI student association GEIser thanks to Jonathan Amrine and Marie-Véronique LE LANN, in charge of GEI partner relations.

Delphine Barette, communication responsible (see the LinkedIn post) and Jean-François Revel, manager and INSA engineer, have welcomed students.  

Visits program:

  • Real time simulator demonstration with Joaquin Mauricio Pulido Aguilar and François Massard
  • Discovery of Power System Engineering and Energy Storage Applications with François Najac.


SLE-SFE will be present at the ForumByInsa in September 2019.