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Master of Sciences & Technology ESECAAn International Master in Electronic Systems for Embedded and Communicating Applications

The International Master of Sciences & Technology (MoST) Electronic Systems for Embedded and Communicating Applications (ESECA) is a gateway to jobs or doctoral research in electronics for embedded systems. The lecturers are from the "Aerospace Valley", which regroups renown research laboratories (LAAS, Laplace, Onera, IRIT) and worldwide industry leaders in Aeronautics, space and embedded systems (Airbus, Thales, Conti, Astrium, Rockwell Collins..).


This Master targets the field of electronic systems for embedded applications and communications. The courses focus on the design of integrated, RF circuits, antennas and digital signal processing and image. The fundamental teachings relate the basics of signal theory, signal processing, electromagnetics, circuit theory and is based on project-oriented learning (Download presentation).

Lessons are delivered within 24 months of training, since students are required to work on research departments from our industrial partners and will be welcomed in training on production sites or in laboratories of research and development.

This International Master is a joint program between ENSEEIHT engineering school, member of the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (INPT), INSA Toulouse and the University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse, in partnership with N+I program.


PPT presentation

  • Semester 1: Scientific basis, cultural integration, linguistics and methodology (Establishment of a transition semester "n + i"): modular training in analog and digital electronics, microwave and signal processing.
  • Semester 2: Core courses and IC design, microwave, signal processing.
  • Semester 3: 3 Course 1 - Integrating embedded systems 2 - Signals, images, and digital communications 3 – Electromagnetism.
  • Semester 4: Graduation Internship (5-6 months) in academic Laboratories or in Industry.
  • Required level: Bachelor of Science, Engineering degree, 4 years of higher education



  • Contact :  Cost: 4000-8000 € per year
  • Language: English/French
  • Duration: 2 years
  • Integration package through www.nplusi.com
  • Degree awarded: International Master of Sciences
  • Deadline for application: April 15th
  • Web site: Click here

G. Auriol