Professional Training ContractPrepare actively your professional integration by completing your 5th year of INSA studies under Professional training contract.

The professional training contract  is part of the training device leading to a qualification in a school and work experience alternating with periods in the company and in the INSA. The professional training contract concerns students who have already followed their initial training 4 first years and desire to professionalize their last training year. 

  • The student-engineer becomes an employee of the company under a 12 months contract
  • He receives a salary (80% minimum of the minimum wage)
  • The contract starts mid-September or early October with a period in the company, which includes a probation period.
  • In the company, the student-engineer is under a tutor’s direction in charge of facilitating his professional training.
  • Funding for training and tutoring is provided by a recognized joint fundraising organization
  • Classes followed in 5th year remain common with the chosen pathway with just the last two weeks of October in the company, two weeks in April at INSA during the PFE and the obligation of the PFE in the company.



How to proceed?

The student can solicit himself the companies or look up to the offers online on the GEI’s Intranet or in the website placeojeunes.


More information

 Professional training contract objectives  


 INSA Continuous training website > Professional training contract

Know more 

 GEI Intranet website with local adverts

Know more 

 PlaceOJeunes website

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 Contact for professional training contract at GEI

Patrick ESQUIROL (esquirol @ 

 Contact for professional training contract at INSA

fc-contratspro @